NBA: That’s What You Get For Lying! Michael Jordan’s Alleged Baby Mama Fined!

If you ask me, this woman got off easy!  Back in March a woman named Pamela Smith alleged that Michael Jordan was the father of her son and wanted a paternity test done.  She ended up abruptly dropping her paternity lawsuit.  As many assumed, she was lying about Michael Jordan…and now she will have to pay.  I wonder if MJ will take any further action?! Details after the jump…

(Videos) NBA Controversy: LeBron James & Andrew Bynum Say “No Homo” But Never Fined!

What I want to know is who took the time to find these videos – looking for one phrase?!  SMH.  Anything to prove a point. Yesterday the league handed down a hefty $75K fine on Roy Hibbert for saying “no homo” (and cursing at the media).  They said that he used a “gay slur” and as I already gave my opinion, I didn’t think he meant it in a malicious way. Well now a couple videos have surfaced of LeBron and Andrew Bynum using that same phrase, BUT were never fined.  Go ahead fans —- I know you have something to say — debate!  Videos after the jump…

NBA:(Video) *Update* Pacers Roy Hibbert Fined $75,000!! For Remarks Last Night

Earlier today we posted video of Roy Hibbert cursing at the media and saying “no homo” during a press conference after the Pacers beat the Heat in game 6 last night. You can see that story HERE. We all knew some type of fine was coming, but I did not think it would come this fast. Just a short time ago Hibbert was fined $75,000 by the NBA for his comments. I actually thought they were going to try and hit him for more money. Needless to say his next paycheck will be much lighter than usual. If you did not see it last night, check the video after the jump.

NBA: LeBron James, David West & Lance Stephenson Fined $5,000 Each For Flopping

We all saw this coming. SMH.  Flopping is out of hand.  It was announced this morning that the league has fined LeBron James, David West & Lance Stephenson $5,000 each.  This isn’t hurting anyone’s pockets, esp. LeBron’s.  As Darren Rovell points out, “LeBron gets $5K flopping fine. Made $4,458 per in game MINUTE this season.”

(VIDEO) Sports: TNA Wrestler Austin Aries Fined For Shoving His Crotch on Female Announcer

It’s a good thing this wasn’t me.  I’m pretty sure my instant reaction would have been to punch this guy right in his balls. Lol. TNA wrestler Austin Aries was hit with a “severe fine” by the organization this week after he went off the script during a recent live event and shoved his man bits into a female announcer’s face. Video & Report after the jump…

NBA:(Video) JR Smith Fined $5,000 For Flopping

I had to laugh at this when I saw it during game 1 against the Pacers. I give JR credit for drawing the foul, but it was funny to see. The NBA office did not agree with me and fined JR $5,000 today for the flop. They did say before the playoffs that flopping would not be tolerated and there would be no warnings. If you didn’t see it, watch it after the jump.

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