Tech Talk Crime: Two People Used Facebook Statues To Go On A Burglary Crime Spree!!

Even though social networks allow us to stay connected maybe you will think twice about updating your friends about your vacation. If a creep knows you not home they may take advantage and invade your home. That is exactly what Candace Landreth and Robert Landreth Jr did for two months! They went on a crime spree based on Facebook friends who were on vacation. Hit the jump for details on the Facebook crime spree. ShottaDru X TatWza

Chilli’s Server Fired After Facebook Status Rant!!

Watch what you post on Facebook!!! A Chilli’s waitress got fired for a status rant she posted. Click below to see the full status and to find out more details! Melissa Nash

Tech Talk News: Facebook Helps Save The Life Of A Lady And Her Child!!!!

This is a wild story! The power of Facebook is real! Check out how Facebook helped this captive mother and child after the jump. +TatWZA X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+

Tech Talk News: Check Out Facebook New Security Features!!

Very annoying when your friend posts foolishness on your Facebook page about Jordan heels. Facebook accounts get hacked daily but Facebook has added some security features so maybe we will not have to worry about spam wall posts as much now. Check out the new features after the jump. WZA on Google+ X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+

(Video) Tech Talk News: How To Remove The News Ticker Off Facebook

The new layout for Facebook has been getting mixed reviews. So if you are interesting in switching back to a more traditional layout check out the video after the jump. WZA on Google+ X Shotta Dru on Google+

CRAZY: Man Killed After Baby Mother Posts Status On Facebook Willing To Pay A Stack For His Assassination!

This sh*t cray!! A Philadelphia man whose ex-girlfriend allegedly used Facebook to put out a $1,000 contract on him has been shot and killed, although the woman and a man who answered her post were both in jail at the time of the assassination. Find out more about this crazy story after the jump. Ash_Bankz x Tat WZA

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