Tech Talk News: Type with Caution, Spammers Now Using Cybersquatting

This is a interesting, funny hustle. People register domains like so when you try to send a e-mail to an address and have a typo they send an e-mail with advertising deals. If you have a pay per click advertisement you might get easy money. Usually they have dream vacation or diet plan advertisements which could easily spark interest. But what if you are mailing sensitive material your info can now be lost in cyberspace with some unknown individual. So take time e-mailing especially when it is important, sensitive information. Check out this whole cybersquatting swindle works after the jump. Tat WZA WZA on Google+ X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+

Shocking Emails Of Texas Police Hacked And Dumped Online!

‘That stupid b**** got what she deserved (I’ll bet she was fat and black too)’.Hackers claim to have accessed the email accounts of more than two dozen law enforcement agencies in Texas and dumped the contents online. Continue reading after the jump. @capriSUNshine

“Always Sunny” Star Being Sent Bloody Finger Emails By Stalker!

Thesy Surface, who stars in “Always Sunny In Philadelphia” has asked police to help her find her stalker who has been sending her crazy emails. According to TMZ, the emails consist of a bloody finger writing a not so nice word that starts with the letter C! The police have traced the emails only to a person’s Tumblr account but have been unable to find out anything else. Read more about Thesy’s stalker after the jump. @Julie1205

Sarah Palin’s PRIVATE & PERSONAL Emails as Alaskan Governor Have Been Released!! Search Them Yourself!!

  You gotta love public policy!  You can join in on the frenzy.  Read ALL the emails or just a few and search different topics after the jump! @jazzyvadney

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