Chicago Homicide Rate Reaches 500

The Chicago homicide rate has reached 500 deaths in 2012 after a fatal shooting on Thursday. The last time the city had this many homicides was back in ’08. Last year there was a record of 435 homicides throughout the city. On Thursday, a 40-year-old man was shot Austin neighborhood on the city’s West Side. Read more below. Julie A.

Be Careful! 5-Hour Energy Linked To 13 Deaths!!!

Looks like (too much) caffeine isn’t good after all. Not only were multiple deaths associated with Monster Energy Drinks, now 5-Hour Energy has been cited in 13 recent deaths. Click below for more details. Melissa Nash

Heat Wave Causes 13 Deaths In Maryland

It it way too hot outside. We really need to be careful because the heat is apparently killing people. 13 people have died so far. Hit the jump for details. Gernique N

18 Headless Bodies Found In Mexico Tourist Spot

Police found eighteen headless bodies in Guadalajara, Mexico, a popular tourist spot. This bloodbath is reportedly due to the Zetas drug cartel. Click below to read more about this annihilation. Melissa Nash

Deaths From Brain-Eating Amoeba Linked To Sinus Remedy For Colds

ATTENTION EVERYONE WITH A COLD: Before you go out and buy your regular cold remedies, read this post!! Neti-pots, the sinus-flushing device used to drain out your nose, have been linked to a deadly brain-eating amoeba. More details after the jump! Wendy L.

Thailand Floods Death Toll Over 500

The death toll from Thailand’s worst floods in half a century climbed past 500 Sunday, as advancing pools of polluted black water threatened Bangkok’s subway system and new evacuations were ordered in the sprawling capital. Continue reading after the jump. @capriSUNshine

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