Get them coins Tiny! Find out what plans she has up her sleeve after the jump…
Remember this day!!! These guys over at MIT are most definitely the genius’s that everybody says they are!! A new technology called 2.5D(a mix of 2d, and 3D) also known as “visual perception”, in short is how you apply 3D in a 2D world, and the MIT men have found a use for it.
NervEight teamed up with YourPartyHub, VK, The Fourth Coming, Larro’s Kitchen and Catering, Think Before You Ink, andBushmills Irish Whiskey to celebrate the launch of the new NervEight mobile app (available on iPhone and Android). The app provides a mobile platform for all genres of music to be HEARD, CRITIQUED, and PROMOTED. Jump for the full story Tat Wza