(Video) “My Whole Life Has Been Getting Me Ready For This,” Says Bruce Jenner In Diane Sawyer Promo Clip

Bruce Jenner, 65, is opening up to ABC’s Diane Sawyer in an exclusive interview. The track star turned reality television dad will discuss his transformation from man to woman. During the 15-second promotional clip, Jenner says, “My whole life has been getting me ready for this.”

Good-Bye Bruce Jenner, Hello Brenda!

Good-Bye Bruce Jenner, hello Brenda! This guy [gal – hopefully he will be clarifying it ALL, soon] is really making moves with the new look. With news breaking earlier this week, we found out that the Olympic-medalist of the seventies would be revealing a lot of information in an upcoming interview with Diane Sawyer. Me personally, I was hoping that during this interview (s)he would be coming out in some of the most top-notch fashions, boobs on perk and nails did to the nines, but apparently not. More after the jump.

Oh Boy! Bruce Jenner Is Ready To Tell ALL To Diane Sawyer!!!

The s**t is getting ready to really hit the fan. Just when you thought that the Keeping Up With The Kardashian sisters and their mom-ager were starting major trouble, the dad is ready to spill it all and get a little bit more deep. ABC has announced that Bruce Jenner has decided to give Diane Sawyer all of the dirt. Hit the jump for details.

Step-Children Of Woman Killed In Bruce Jenner Car Crash To File A Hefty Lawsuit

As if Bruce Jenner doesn’t have enough to deal with after getting divorced and deciding to become a full-blown woman, now he has to deal with even more stressful things in his life. The reality TV star/former Olympian was involved in a big car crash a few months back which resulted in the death of Kim Howe. Now Kim has no real family still alive because her husband passed back in 2003 and both of her parents are dead, along with any other blood relatives. However, apparently her step-children are coming out of the wood works and are planning to file a wrongful death lawsuit against Jenner although they have “virtually no relationship” with the deceased victim. According to California law, step-children are allowed to still file a wrongful death lawsuit regardless if they were still close with the person who passed or not. According to sources, Howe has a trust fund with millions in assets. HOWEVER, prior to Kim’s passing– she already decided all of that money will be going straight to charity, leaving her step-children a$$ed out. Kim’s step-children are already lawyered up and have been collecting photographs of themselves with Kim to prove the validity of their “relationship” that was apparently non-existent for years. Looks like this might get even more messy for poor Bruce. When will this guy/girl whatever catch a break?! SMH!

Racks On Racks: Did Bruce Jenner Already Get A Nice New Set Of Knockers For His Sex Change?!

I’m not sure if it’s just me, but this whole Bruce Jenner sex change ordeal has really left me speechless. Although we may not be able to picture Bruce as a full-blown woman, it seems that we will be seeing the results faster than expected. According to Radar Online, Bruce has already gotten breast implants along with a long list of other female-related procedures to finally become a chick. “Bruce had silicone breast implants put in a few weeks ago,” an inside source revealed. “He went with a smaller implant because he didn’t want to look ridiculous. He’s not allowed to lift anything, and he has to wear a bra 24/7, but he’s expected to resume normal activities in the next six weeks.” In the past few months, Bruce has gotten his Adam’s Apple shaved down along with a nose job to make his facial features appear more girly. The full gender reassignment surgery is apparently going down in either May or June and sources explain that Bruce is “thrilled” to finally have the body that he’s been dreaming of all these years. He might even get a second boob job to upgrade to a larger cup size. After his surgery is complete, Bruce wants to make his debut as a woman on Dancing With The Stars. His two sons, Brody and Brandon, have been taking care of their father in his Malibu mansion. He’s apparently extremely emotional but is happy that he will finally feel comfortable in his own skin in the…

(Video) Jamie Foxx Jokes On Bruce Jenner And More During The iHeartRadio Music Awards!

Jamie Foxx has NO chill ever! He was hosting the iHeartRadio Music Awards on Sunday and did his rounds joking on everyone including Bruce Jenner’s transition. “We have some groundbreaking performances here too tonight. We got Bruce Jenner, he will be here doing some musical performances. He’s doing a his and her duet all by himself.” Jamie paused while the crowd laughed and continued the joke with, “Look, I’m just busting your balls while I still can.” The only thing that makes that joke hella awkward is the fact that Bruce’s daughter, Kylie Jenner was sitting in the audience! YIKES! Watch the full clip below!

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