(PHOTO) NFL: Woman Pulls Down Her Pants So Johnny Manziel Can Take Selfie Next To Her Bare Ass

Johnny’s gonna be Johnny. SMH.  Yes, Johnny Manziel is still up to his crazy antics.  This time he took a selfie next to a woman that pulled down her pants and is only rocking a thong.  Stay classy fans. Check it out…

(PHOTO) NFL: Josh Gordon Suspended For Season — Escort Jenna Shea Then Exposes/Shares Bed Pic With Him!

Yikes and yikes.  Today the league announced that Josh Gordon will miss the entire 2014 season after the NFL upheld his suspension for another violation of the league’s substance-abuse policy. Shortly after, model/escort/groupie Jenna Shea decided it would be a good time to share her support for the baller … by posting a photo in bed with him — in his boxers. Good luck with all that Josh.  SMH.  Check it out…

NFL: Redskins Player Reveals What Was Said To Johnny Manziel That Made Him Upset & Flip The Bird

Last night during Monday Night Football, Johnny Manziel was caught on camera giving the Redskins bench the middle finger.  Manziel was generic and said it happened after “words were exchanged” and didn’t elaborate.  Well now we are finding out what made Manziel so upset.  C’mon Johnny Football — gotta have tougher skin than that!  You better man up — asap/pronto! Hit the jump for the report…

(Video) NFL: Lol, Here’s Johnny Manziel’s Reaction The Moment He Learns ESPN Televised His Obscene Gesture!

“Awww f*ck” … Thought no one saw you huh?! While it was immature of Johnny Football to give the Redskins bench the middle finger during Monday Night Football, it was entertaining to see his reaction when he was informed by Cleveland Browns PR, Rob McBurnett, that ESPN televised it. Lesson learned?! I doubt it. Check it out…

(VIDEO) NFL: Johnny Manziel Caught Giving The Redskins Bench The Middle Finger; He Reacts After

Johnny Middle Finger?! What a great way to start your career in the NFL, SMH. A fine is definitely headed towards Johnny Manziel’s way after he was caught on camera during Monday Night Football flipping off the Redskins bench. The Browns lost 24-23 in the super hyped preseason game. Someone better talk to this kid ASAP. Check out what happened along with reactions and Johnny Football commenting after the game…

(Photos) NFL: You’re Not Gonna Believe What A Brown’s Rookie Gets After Hitting On A Married Woman On IG!

The NFL season hasn’t officially started yet, but Terrance West had to learn a valuable lesson in the game today when it was revealed that he relentlessly tried to holla to a married woman on Instagram.

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