(Video) R.I.P: Popular Blogger Jarrett Scott Dies at the age of 26

On June 29th it was reported that popular blogger Jarrett Scott of Jarrett Scott Page passed away due to complications from HIV at the age of 26. Details after the jump.

Mom Blogger Posions Son For Sympathy From Her Blog Readers

A 26-year-old mother Lacey Spears used the internet to blog and felt that the internet was her support group. She blogged about her son Garrett and his physical condition. What could possibly make her poison her son. Read on…..

(Photo) Blogger 1st To Hit ‘Imprisoned Journalists List’ In America

An Alabama man, Roger Shuler, who owns a politico Blog, Legal Schnauzer, has been calling out politicians for corruption, and all kinds of conspiracies. It seems though that these politicians are not happy with it because his blog has gotten quite a few defamation suits, and him unwilling to cooperate has now landed him in jail.

Dj Enuff Is Looking For new Interns To Blog For ThatsEnuff.com…Do You Got What It Takes?!?

If you do, you have your finger o the pulse of what’s going on out here, send your resume’ bluemagicmp3@gmail.com!!

Whoa! Blogger Spent How Much Money To Have Hair Like Jennifer Aniston??

Well this story is quite literally unbe-weaveable…LOL! Erikka Yancy, a Los Angeles-based documentary filmmaker and HuffPost blogger, recently opened up about her obsession with hair extensions in a blog aptly titled “Confessions of A Hair Weave Addict.” and spending over…get ready…over $25,000!!! Hit the jump for more details

Guess… How Many Blogs Are On Tumblr?

This month Tumblr reached a milestone with over 100 million blogs on its site. Within those blogs there are around 44.6 billion post, an average of 72 million post per day. Last year the company had around 50 million blogs and in under a year has doubled in blogs. With its rapid growth, this company and its 167 employees have no intentions on slowing down.

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