(Photos) #HOT97Summerjam Pics!!

Hot 97 Summer Jam interviews are in full effect and the show is on its way.  Check some of the Hot 97 Summer Jam pics after the jump! Steph Bassanini

(Photos) Rihanna’s Backstage Rituals??

Some photos have surfaced of some of the things Rihanna does behind the scenes as she prepares for her performances.  She fools around with her crew, eats good and prepares herself to hit the stage for the first time since her hospitalization! Steph Bassanini

(Photos) French Montana Shoots New Video With Rihanna, Lil Wayne, Drake & Rick Ross

During the MMG press conference earlier this month, Rick Ross announced French Montana’s new single would be titled “Pop That”, and feature Rozay, Drake and Lil Wayne. Last night in Miami (since EVERYONE is out there for Memorial Day Weekend), the guys get together…along with Rihanna…and shot the song’s video. This should be a good one! Excuse My French in stores July 17th. More pics below. Marisa Mendez

(Video) Beyonce Gives A Behind The Scenes Looks At The Making Of Her Upcoming Concert

Bey will be hitting the stage for the first time in quite a while starting tonight and going throughout the weekend for a series of shows in Atlantic City, NJ. Bey has been a lot more candid these days, sharing private photos and videos, and now she continues to do so with a behind the scenes look at the preparation of the shows. Watch below. Marisa Mendez

(Video) Behind The Scenes Of “B-Boy” With Birdman, Mack Maine, Ace Hood & Kendrick Lamar

Derick G was on set a while back when Birdman & Mack Maine got to shooting their video with Kendrick Lamar and Ace Hood for “B-Boy.” Check out his BTS footage below. Marisa Mendez

(Video) Behind The Scenes On Set Of Waka Flocka x Bun B “Candy Paint & Gold Teeth”

Before Flocka’s Triple F Life drops June 12th, Trill Nation gives us a behind the scenes look at the vid for one of the project’s singles. Go on set of “Candy Paint & Gold Teeth” below. Marisa Mendez

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