(Video) MLB: LOL Batman Runs on the Orioles Field, Dances & Gets Chased By Security

This video is too funny.  A fan dressed somewhat like Batman runs onto Orioles field and begins doing some weird dance before security begins to chase him.  I thought I was watching football for a second the way he dodged the tackles before they took him down.  Check it out after the jump. @Shay_Marie x @gametimegirl

MLB: Orioles Alfredo Simon denied bail! Will remain in DR jail on involuntary manslaughter charges

Posted by Sabrina B. @gametimegirl Baltimore Orioles reliever Alfredo Simon was denied bail Tuesday and will remain in jail on an involuntary manslaughter charge. The 29-year-old pitcher is expected to stay in jail for a year while officials investigate a fatal shooting on New Year’s Eve.

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