(Video) Two Pitbulls Get Shot By NJ Police For Brutally Attacking Woman!!!

This is a perfect scenario of our generation being too concerned with recording videos of someone in trouble rather than actually helping the person out. SMH! At least somebody called the cops and tried to get the dogs off! Check out this video of a woman getting attacked by two pitbulls and New Jersey police shooting the dogs at the scene to save her.

(Photos) Pope’s Dove Of Peace Attacked By A Seagull In Mid-Air!

I can’t help but to laugh at this ironic bird story.  The Pope released his Peace Dove off the Vatican Balcony and shortly after it was attacked by a passing seagull. The larger bird swooped down and latched on to the bird in front of everyone, not so peaceful huh. Hit the jump  

Breaking: U.S. Diplomatic Compounds Attacked

The United States said it was taking measures to protect its citizens worldwide after protesters angry about an online film considered offensive to Islam attacked U.S. diplomatic compounds in Libya and Egypt on Tuesday. Details below via CNN. Funk Flex

NCAA: 2011 Heisman Trophy Finalist Montee Ball Attacked By 5 Men & Hospitalized

Sabrina B. 2011 Heisman Trophy finalist Montee Ball was hospitalized in Wisconsin at 2:15 AM this morning after the star running back was jumped by 5 men on the U of W campus. 

(Video) Student Is Hit By Dean & Family Files $5.5M Lawsuit

We told you earlier that a mother is filing a 5.5M dollar lawsuit because her son tried to brush off a school dean and was roughed up as a result. . Watch the attack after the jump and see if the case is outrageous. Gernique N

Man Fights To Live After Face Is Eaten By Naked Attacker In Miami

A man whose face was eaten by a naked attacker in Miami is fighting for his life as authorities try to piece together just what sparked the horrific incident. The identity of the two men remains unclear, although some reports suggest they may have been homeless men living beneath the MacArthur Causeway, which connects downtown Miami to South Beach. Click below read the rest of the story. WiL Major

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