AT&T Drops Feature-Packed Affordable Smartphone

Pantech teamed up with AT&T to drop the Pantech Discover, a sleek 4G LTE smartphone with a sharp 4.8-inch HD display. The Discover packs a powerful 12.6-megapixel camera with 4x zoom with record and playback in HD 1080p, at 30 fps. The 1.5 GHz dual-core processor and 16 GB of on-board memory make this device a beast!! Paired up with a 2,100 mAh battery to keep you productive all day. Tat Wza

AT&T Unveils Touchscreen Hotspot

At&t announced today they will be offering a touchscreen hotspot device called the Unite. At&t did not announce a date or pricing for the device. The device can be added to a family plan for only $20. The Unite sports a 2.4.-inch touch-screen display and can connect up to 10 Wi-Fi enabled devices. A cool feature on the hotspot device is a monitor that keeps tabs on your data usage. Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA

Tech Talk News: Verizon Attempts To Shut Out Competition

When traveling outside of your cellphone coverage area your phone jumps to other carriers networks to stay in service. Verizon made an attempt to shut out other carriers from being able to roam onto their network. Their claim was that it is mere business competition; you don’t have towers? Too bad! But a rule from 2011 that requires mobile data providers to offer roaming agreements to their competitors said No Way Jose! Roaming agreements are crucial for smaller carriers who risk losing customers if unable to provide service outside of their region. Basically on that 24 hr drive to Florida with the Fam next summer, You’ll be connected the whole way! Gotta thank the FCC for this one !! Tat Wza

Tech Talk News: America’s Worst Mobile Carrier is ????

And America’s least favorite wireless carrier is drum roll please…….Is At&t , no surprise here I’ve heard the complainants and bad service has, especially in NY. At&t got low scores in both voice and text service quality. And I thought Sprint was bad.. Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA

Tech Talk News: T-Mobile Holding Out At Customers Expense

Being bullied by the bigger kids is never fun. No one likes being teased or left out… unless you choose to? COO of T-Mobile, Jim Alling made it very clear they are only interested in iPhone if the price is right. Not only do they have the smallest infrastructure compared to their competitors [At&t, Sprint, Verizon] but they just reported half a million contract customers lost in Q3 alone. Doesn’t look like they can afford to play hard ball with anyone. Tat Wza

Tech Talk Mobile: AT&T Rolling Out FaceTime Over Cellular

Looks like At&t kept their promise. Customers are reporting that FaceTime is up and running over a cellular connection, no WiFi needed. The majority of users with early access are either iPhone 5 users or have a grandfathered Unlimited data plan. Full rollout could take us to Q1 of 2013. Tat Wza

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