YouTube has created their own native recording app making sharing easy as can be. The app is paired with some great photo-features, along with some fix-up features to help that shaky hand. Hit the jump for screen shots and download links. Tat Wza
YouTube has created their own native recording app making sharing easy as can be. The app is paired with some great photo-features, along with some fix-up features to help that shaky hand. Hit the jump for screen shots and download links. Tat Wza
Yesterday Apple’s app experinced some issues with downloading apps. Customers were unable to download apps even if they were prchased already. The problem however was fixed in early hours on Monday. Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA
Ok I normally don’t post since I have been incredibly Busy, Normally I pass it to the Homie YJB, But I ran across an App this Week, and since I got so many people asking me about it, texting, emailing, iMessaging, etc, So I figure…Y’all want this out here!! Hit the Jump on the Deet’s!! Wza
Champs Sports has revolutionized the game with their new sports magazine SWAG (Stylish Ways to Acquire Game). Keeping up with the changes in technology Champs created an interactive multimedia e-zine available through iTunes.  Read more after the jump. Shay Marie x Sabrina B.
There was a bug with a bunch of update Apple apps which caused them to crash. But Apple did find the issue and update it. Details about the DRM issue after the jump. ShottaDru X TatWza