Virginia Politician Aims To Outlaw WHAT?!?

These Republicans are so silly! In addition to outlawing everything people care about, this Virginia politician aims to outlaw some of the things that are dearest to our hearts. Find out what it is after the jump.

MommysDirtyLittleSecret presents…

Looks like anal sex is the hottest thing since fried chicken… So CLICK THE PIC and find out exactly how to cook it and get a taste!!! And check out how this 23 year old turned 50 in a matter of days(SHOCKING)!!! And ladies, The Game is officially off the market! CLICK THE PIC and watch the exclusive video of how exactly the proposal went down.  And I for one can’t believe that there’s a downfall to mind-blowing sex, but there is… Check out what you stand to lose when he actually knows what he’s doing… SEXXXY! SOPHISTICATED! SCANDALOUS! MommysDirtyLittleSecret reveals it all… Follow us on Twitter @MomsDirtySecret

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