Do Doctors Only Care About Money??

Health care experts believe that a “Pay-For-Performance” theory can save the government billions of dollars! This theory would basically make doctors more equivalent to other job fields; they only get paid extra for doing a good job. Pay for quality; compensate for competency. Meaning doctors would be rewarded or incentivized when they keep their patients from getting sick (or sicker). I personally think this theory may work. If a doctor is use to getting a $300k salary and its cut down to a $175k base salary, that doctor will go above and beyond to make sure they come up with the best treatments and solutions to keep their patients healthier. What do you guys think?? @iBLONDEgenius

Super Bowl May Trigger Heart Attacks!!????

Super Bowl Sunday can prove to be a heartbreaker for the losing teams fans. @Ash_Bankz

Government Finally Enforces Guidelines for Salt Intake!

As most of us already know, salt is a major killer in the African-American community. But he government is now telling half of the U.S. population to drastically cut their daily salt intake. Find out why after the jump.. @iBLONDEgenius

Breast Implants Linked To Cancer!!

Federal health officials say they are investigating a possible link between breast implants and a very rare form of cancer, raising new questions about the safety of devices which have been scrutinized for decades. Read more after the jump!! @ItsLukieBaby

NYC Restaurant Week Winter 2011

Get your wine & dine or fav food spot at a real low cost! For more info click here. Food!!! Nice!!! lol @DjJuanyto

Marriage Increases Life Expectancy!

Marriage cheers you up, improves your diet and helps you live longer, researchers say. It brings better mental and physical health, reducing the chance of premature death by 15 per cent. Read more after the jump… @ItsLukieBaby

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