Kanye Bad for Your Health?? An Epilepsy Group is Seeking to Have His Video Banned..Saying It Could Cause Seizures!!

This is quite an interesting one! Wonder what will come of this. A UK-based epilepsy group by the name of Epilepsy Action, caught Yeezy’s latest video “All of the Lights” and saw a major red flag. They sent the vid to be analyzed by Cambridge Research Systems, and using the “HardingFPA” machine, they concluded that the rate at which the lights flash could trigger seizures!! Now Epilepsy Action is seeking to ban the video. Read on for details. @MarisaMendez

(Video) Rare Transplant Leaves Man With Two Hearts!!???

I’m not sure if having two hearts means someone can break one and then you still have another one to love again…but check out this wild story of a man that gets a transplant and ends up with TWO hearts. @Ash_Bankz

Anti-Abortion Billboard in NYC Considered Racist

Did this billboard take it a little bit too far?? “The most dangerous place for an African American is in the womb.” Rev. Stephen Broden, of anti-abortion group Life Always, doesn’t seem to think so. This ad was placed in the heart of Soho with an attempt to bash Planned Parenthood for targeting abortions among minorities. What are your thoughts? Is it a racist sign or does it do its job?? Check another one of their billboards after the jump! @iBLONDEgenius

Cellphone Use Tied to Changes in Brain Activity!

This pic may look like a lot to take in at first glance, but everything gets broken down after the jump! I always heard to never sleep with your cell phone in the bed, but never knew it was messing with my brain waves! Yikes. Check below for the details! @iBLONDEgenius @TatWza

Would You Grow Your Hair Back With iGrow??

Not everyone has Thick hair like @iBlondeGenius, so if you need it, The iGrow is the latest in laser-based hair rejuvenation…See Details. @TatWza

Outlawing Legal Highs May Mess Up New Drug Developments!

Ever since the Miley Cyrus bong video and the new “bath salts” high, states have been racing to ban these legal, but possibly dangerous chemicals. Now scientists fear that by banning these products, the law may be keeping potential cures for diseases out of pharmacies. Check out the details after the jump! @iBLONDEgenius

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