Which Metropolitan City Has The Worst Drivers?

Most of you guessed New York huh? Unfortunately, New York did not make the top 10 but did land the 20th spot. This year Washington D.C. takes the honor for worst drivers and horrible traffic. Click below for a full list. Funk Flex

Jennifer Lopez’s Current Boyfriend Influencing Her?

Although J-Lo is use to all the attention, this time it was her outfit at the MGM Grand Hotel pool party that had everyone talking. Fashion Blogs are asking if she is trying to impress her 25 year old boyfriend Beau “Casper” Smart or is this a midlife crisis. You be the judge and check the pic below! Funk Flex

‘Hitler’ Clothing Store In India!

Another example of ignorance! Rajesh Shah has opened a Western style clothing store named Hitler in India. With the use of name, as well as the Nazi swastika which dots the “i” in Hitler, there has been uproar in the Jewish Community prompting a swift action to be taken. Click below to read more. Funk Flex

Chocolate May Help Men Avoid Strokes

Recent Swedish studies found that eating massive amounts of chocolate might help reduce a man’s risk of getting a stroke. SWEET news for men but what about the women? Read more below. Funk Flex

Lady Gaga’s Behind The Scene Personal Pictures!

In a recent lawsuit from former employee Jennifer O’Neil, over unpaid overtime, Lady Gaga has requested that her personal pictures not be used in court. Gaga claims the pictures are both “personal and private” while Jennifer O’Neil claims she is owed $380,000 for 7,168 hours of overtime. See below for more info. Funk Flex

Principals And Teachers Caught Cheating With Students

Two principals and three teachers of Woodbridge New Jersey are in the hot seat after getting caught helping students cheat on standardized tests for the past two years. They have not been fired but rather suspended with pay. How crazy is that? Click below to read more. Funk Flex

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