Who Is Holly Madison’s Baby Daddy?

Former Playboy Playmate and Hef”s ex- fiance is expecting! Question is who is the lucky guy? Click below for more info. Funk Flex

Camden Gets Rid Of Police Department

It’s not safe anymore, well especially in Camden, NJ. The most dangerous city has decided to get rid of their 141-year-old police department only to replace it with a non-union division of the Camden County Police. Read more below. Funk Flex

Update On LA Car Crash: The Driver Was 100 Years Old!!!

The driver of the tragic accident yesterday, where a car stuck a a mix of fourteen parents and children outside a South Los Angeles Elementary school, was 100 years old! This begs the question, how old is too old to drive? Click below to read more. Funk Flex

Body Parts For Sale?

One lucky Florida bider purchased a storage unit only to be in for a nasty surprise. This was no ordinary storage unit but instead one that came with body parts that belonged to over 100 people. Gross. Read more below. Funk Flex

New Virus Found In Missouri!!!

Two farmers from northwest Missouri became severely ill from tick bites. After tests, epidemiologists were able to determine this was not your normal illness from a tick bit, but a new discovery. Click below to read more. Funk Flex

Where Did All The Trash Cans Go?

Have you ever got off the train with trash hoping to dispose of it but there was not ONE single trash can in site? Annoyed right? Well great news, MTA just removed more trash cans from 8 new stations in hopes of creating a clean travel with less rodents. Is it working New Yorkers? Read more below. Funk Flex

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