Ovarian Cancer Screenings Are Not Effective

Ovaran Cancer is one of the biggest scares when it comes to a woman’s health. Now, a panel of experts are saying that the tests that are commonly performed to check for the cancer may be doing more harm than good. Read more below. FunkMasterFlex

Early Music Lessons Have Longtime Benefits

Getting your child involved in music at an early age can prove to be a huge payoff. According to a study done by researchers at Northwestern University, early childhood musical training can strengthen your auditory skills but, of course, this isn’t a one year gig. Children must remain active in their music lessons to reap these longtime benefits. Read more below. FunkMasterFlex

Free Country- Freedom of Speech….NOT!

Yes, you do have your First Amendment Rights to say as you please…just not when it comes to a high profile figure. One woman thought it was OK to say that she’s going to “Kill” a certain somebody. Now the Secret Service is involved. Hit the jump to find out more. Funk Flex

Obama Argues That Change Needs More Than Four Years

Change is not easy to come by and it takes time to happen. Think back to the Civil Rights Movement. The Movement lasted many years with immense sacrifices made by activists in order to bring about just changes. When Obama walked into his Presidency, it is safe to say that the country was given to him in shambles. The country was at war in Iraq and Afghanistan and the economic market was rapidly collapsing. Four years may not have been enough years to rectify the damage done. Hit the jump for more. Funk Flex

Romney Camp Ready For War After Democratic National Convention Ends

Well it seems like the Romney camp is ready for an all out war. Today is the last day of the Democratic National Convention and as of tomorrow, Romney and his people are ready to hit your tubes with ads critical of President Obama. See below for more information. Funk Flex

Will You Watch President Obama’s Speech Tonight? Republican Candidate Mitt Romney Will Not!

While millions of people will be tuning in to hear President Obama’s speech at the Democratic Convention tonight, his opponent Governor Mitt Romney has made it known that he’s one less person that will be tuning into his address. Romney has his reasons why he has no interest in seeing the President address the American people. Click below to read more. Funk Flex

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