Taking The Wrong Antibiotic May Carry Serious Side Effects

If you’re sick, you take an antibiotic. This has been the simple remedy to many illnesses. However, this remedy has proven to produce more serious results.  Just last year over 2000 patients had been given the wrong antibiotic prescription for illnesses that were’t as severe for the prescription, or simply would have went away without the use of it, resulting in “dry eyes, mouth and skin; ringing in his ears; delayed urination; uncontrollable shaking; burning pain in his eyes and feet.” Read more below. FunkMasterFlex

Charter School Hired a Convicted Heroin Dealer

Carlos Tapia went to jail for being a heroin dealer. After being released, two months later without any criminal check, the convicted herion dealer was hired to work at a New York charter school with kids. Read more below. FunkMasterFlex

Your Ethnicity is Linked to Your Risk of Contracting Type 2 Diabetes.

Diabetes consumes the daily lives of many. According to researchers,  if you are Asian, African, or Caribbean decent, you are at a higher risk of contracting Type 2 Diabetes and early screening could prevent and lower your chances of heart desease, strokes and even amputation. Read more below. FunkMasterFlex

Take Your Next Family Trip to Space

Visiting the hottest and most exclusive destinations in the world is something that we all dream about. But somewhere between blue beaches, beautiful weather and amazing cuisine, we forgot about our one childhood dream of traveling to out of space. For $200,000, that dream may just become a reality. Read more below FunkMasterFlex

Study Shows No Negative Affects of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Repeal

Last September President Barack Obama repealed “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell,” the controversial law that banned gays and lesbians from openly serving in the military. Now one year later, a study shows that his decision has had no negative affects on the military. Another win for the President. Read more below. FunkMasterFlex

Oh no! Not Prince Harry!

On the heels his ASSets getting unwanted worldwide attention in Las Vegas, Prince Harry is back at work in Afganistan on a four month tour where he is getting even more unwanted attention. This time, Zabihullah Mujahid, a spokesman for the Taliban is singling out the Prince to “get rid of him.” Read more below. FunkMasterFlex

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