Push For Hospitals To Ban Formula Samples

Across the country new mothers are traditionally given formula samples and other treats for their brand new babies regardless of whether they chose to breastfeed or not. Now breastfeeding advocates are proposing to ban these samples because they are deterrents to new mothers who may have problems with their child latching on to feed. The pros and cons of breastfeeding are well known, but do you agree with this new push of ideals. Click below to read the rest. Funk Flex

Kendrick Lamar “Good Kid, m.A.A.d City” Track List

Finally one of the most anticipated albums of the year, Kendrick Lamar’s Aftermath debut album “Good Kid, m.A.A.d City” which is due to release Oct. 22nd is finally almost here. Surprisingly for the album K.Dot had only a few features including Drake, Dr.Dre, Mary J. Blige and more. Be sure to support this amazing new talent in the game and cop the album on its release date. Click below for more info Funk Flex

Meningitis Outbreak Possibly Linked to Massachusetts Company

A spinally administered steroid has been linked to the growing meningistis outbreak which is manufactured by the New England Compounding Center in Framingham, Massachusetts. Click here for more info Funk Flex

13 Month Old Girl And Mother Burned While Sleeping

In India, a mother and daughter where burned while they slept over a marriage payment dispute. Bride burning and dowry murders are common place when demands are not met by the wife’s family. Click below for more info Funk Flex

Hillary Clinton Takes Blame For Benghazi

“I take responsibility” said Hillary when talking to CNN about the attacks that took place September 11th on U.S consulate in Benghazi. Chris Stevens, the U.S ambassador to Libya, and three other Americans where killed in this attack. The secretary of state stated that her mission now is to make sure an attack like this never happens again. Click below for more info Funk Flex

Suspect Accused Of Strangling Student Gets Murder Charges

An Martial Arts instructor from New Hapshire has been charged with murder for strangling a student. The victim Elizabeth better know as “Lizzi” by her friends, whose body has been missing for the past week was 19 years of age. The accused instructor (Mazzaglia) said “things are good” three days after the victims death one day before his arrest, an acquaintance said last Monday. For some reason police have not said what led them to arresting Mazzaglia in relations to this case or how he knew Elizabeth. Mazzaglia is 29 years of age and was charged with second-degree murder on saturday. Click below for more info Funk Flex

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