Gangs Increase, And So Does Violence

Gang violence is not a laughing matter, stats show that in New Jersey as gangs move into suburban areas, the crime rate goes up. These facts don’t necessary mean that gang members are just killing anyone for any reason but that those who are being killed in this case are mostly witnesses, people who are willing to speak against these gang members.In this case the gang members stick by the saying “snitches deserve stitches”. Click below for more info Funk Flex

Violence In Mexico Causes Doctor To Get Creative

With all the senseless and horrific violence plaguing Mexico a doctor has created his own solution to rehydrate mutilated bodies. The rehydration process reinvigorates the corpses to aid in identifying those who may be otherwise unrecognizable. Please click below for more info. Funk Flex

Truth Or False? That is The Question

In 2012 a lot has been said in these presidential debates, but what is true and what is not true? That is the question many of us as U.S citizens ask our selves. For the ordinary american it is hard to look back four years to see if what these candidates are saying is true or not. Thats where the fact collectors come in. Click below for more info Funk Flex

Global Warming And Hurricanes

Earth is getting warmer! We all knew that, now climate scientist are saying that increasing sea levels due to global warming have increased Hurricanes all over the world. It has been said that Hurricanes like Katrina are more likely to happen in warm years like the ones we live in now. Natural disasters have been increasing, not saying that global warming should take all the blame but it does play a big part in this equation. Click below for more info Funk Flex

Pharmaceutial Company Linked To Meningitis Outbreak Raided

The New England Compounding Center who has been linked to the meningitis outbreak was raided today. The federal prosecutor of Massachusetts and U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz in conjuntion with local authorities are investigating the allegations against the company. Click here to read more. Funk Flex

Bomb Found At Home Depot In NY

On Monday Oct.15 a pipe bomb was destroyed by Soffolk County Bomb Squad, this bomb was in a Home Depot in Huntington NY. The suspect who is yet to be identified sent a letter to the store in form of extortion, asking for money stating that if he does not receive the money by Black Friday he will strike again. The FBI has joined forces with Suffolk County Police in this investigation. Click below for more info Funk Flex

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