We back with bars ?, you know how we do!!!
#Freestyle0 with the young bull from Philly, Quilly!
Tat Wza IG | Twitter | Snapchat(Snapcode; Screenshot and ADD)
Watch it then read my story if you will;
Ok, I had already wrote up this lengthy piece night of about how they pissed me off because they BEGGED Flex to sit behind him when I had already said ‘we can’t do that’, I always have to stop that, only one’s even I was good with were Meek(everyone’s not Meek) and Irv, but even then the #WeGotaStoryToTell’s are different… so for it them to go over my head was kinda disrespectful to me, but ok, it’s a possible life changing event that they are all going thru together, and even though Philly is a big city, this IS NYC, niggas was kinda hype, so I get it…. with that being said, they def fu*ked it up for everyone moving forward, and not fair to every other stand up crew, I mean Snoopy Dinero had like 50 dudes with him and they kept it easy… So yeah, it’s a dubb for having ‘the block’ be behind you any more(unless you Meek Level or Higher… like HOV ?… if we start a petition…. ??)….But Quilly did rap his ass off for 12mins, although we heard 3 mins on his gram, the freestyle that even got him up to us(me tracking him down was in the other post I had pre-written), but 9mins I hadn’t heard before so he did his thing to me…. did y’all hear it before???
P.S. The person that edited the Instagram clip did not know it was the same bars on his IG already, it was not a set up.