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Many different people have shared their opinion on Colin Kaepernick and him taking a knee during the national anthem before 49ers games this season. Whether you were in agreement with him, disliked him for it, or understood his cause but didn’t agree with how he went about it, everyone wanted to share their thoughts. That is everyone except his own parents, who have remained silent during all of this attention this season. There were reports that they didn’t support his stance, which they claim is not true since they just now are breaking their silence. They want it to be clear they stand behind their son.
“Colin is carrying a heavy load and following a difficult path that he truly believes in. He is putting his entire future and possibly his life on the line for those beliefs,” Teresa and Rick Kaepernick wrote in a statement addressed to The Undefeated on Friday. “As his parents, it pains us to read articles and tweets saying that his family does not support him; this could not be further from the truth. We want people to know that we are very proud of our son and admire his strength and courage in kneeling for the rights of others.”
His parents didn’t want to get involved in any of the attention but they felt compelled to finally speak about it after hearing so many false stories that they were against him. That narrative came about when someone noticed an American flag flying outside of his parents home back in September, which some people saw as a sign of their disagreement with Colin.
At the time, Teresa said, “It’s not in our best interest or Colin’s best interest” to make a comment. Colin later told reporters that his parents “agree with what I’m standing for.” Now his parents are ready to speak on everything.
“Colin has chosen to kneel for the national anthem as a protest to the continuing racial inequality in this country,” the statement read. “He has explained his reasons for this in multiple interviews, yet it seems some people still do not understand his point. For whatever reason, there are some who want to view this as an anti-military protest or an un-American stance. These views could not be further from the truth, but we know that people will believe what they wish to believe. The recent remarks (attacks) by Admiral Harris supported by the Pentagon are over the top, and we feel the desire to make a public statement in support of our son.”
“Our military takes an oath to support and defend the Constitution, and many have fought and died to defend our constitutional rights. Indeed after such sacrifice it is a reasonable expectation that all of our citizens enjoy life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” the Kaepernicks’ statement read.
Rick and Teresa Kaepernick, who are white, adopted Colin when he was only 5 weeks old. The couple had lost two sons at birth to congenital heart failure and were not eligible to adopt a white baby from a private adoption agency. Then came along a tiny biracial baby boy who had recently been given away by his 19-year-old white mother. Teresa called Colin her “perfect child.”
It’s clear they still think he is their perfect child. It’s understandable as to why they waited until now to finally speak out but it’s always cool to see parents fully support their kids no matter what others may think.