DeMarcus Cousins is constantly getting a bad rap for his attitude but there is always much more to a person other than what you see on television. Cousins does plenty of things off the court that would make him appear like a teddy bear instead of the rough dude you see during the game and taking 150 kids to the movies is exactly the type of thing I’m referring too.
Cousins teamed up with the Boys & Girls Club of Sacramento to take 150 children to see a screening of Disney’s new movie “Moana”.
The kids all had a blast while eating their popcorn and candy and whatever else they wanted, all while Cousins covered everything for them. He even treated a bunch of the parents of some of the children as well.
Next time the media tries to tell you how much of a hot head or problem Cousins can be, remember stories like this.
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H/t The Score