Baylor quarterback Seth Russell’s season is over after he suffered a brutal leg injury during their loss to Oklahoma today. While trying to scramble to pick up some extra yards, he fell in an awkward way while being tackled and the result was gruesome.
The injury is especially tough for Russell since he suffered a broken neck last year and wasn’t even sure if he could ever play football again. He made it all the way back and played well this season just to have something horrible happen again.
Oklahoma players had so much respect for Russell that they came over to him while he was being placed on the cart to be driven off the field to show their love for him.
Instead of watching replay of Seth Russell's gruesome injury… Watch this. Notice how much respect the OU stars have for this quarterback.
— Abigail Ogle (@KOCOAbigail) November 12, 2016
A short time after the play, it was announced that he had a dislocated ankle, which although is still bad, could have been much worse.