So three high school students thought it would be a good idea to wear KKK costumes to show there homecoming spirit. The three Florida teens were rewarded for there bright idea with a suspension from school. Check out more on the story after the jump.
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Three Florida High school teens wore Ku Klux Klan outfits to school earlier this week. At first officials at the school thought the students were wearing ghost outfits to show there upcoming homecomig school spirit. But as the Pasco County Superintendent of schools pointed out:
“Usually Ghosts don’t have pointed hoods.”.
Under the school code of conduct what the three students did constituted as harassment. For this the three students were issued a two day suspension. None of the students were white; it is believed that two of them were Hispanic and another was middle eastern.
This is not the first instance of this kind of behavior. Earlier in the year another student wore a confederate cape to the school. In that instance the student was not punished but rather just told to remove the cape.
Source: NBC