Lil Durk shows love for the movement and shares his thoughts on how conservatives use “black-on-black crime” in Chicago as a scapegoat for saying “black lives matter”.

Dilson Hernandez: Facebook | Instagram

Lil Durk has been very vocal lately about the topic of police brutality. He’s been on Ebro in the Morning talking about white supremacy and has even gotten a BLM tattoo recently, showing that he is an advocate for the movement. What made him so vocal about this all of a sudden? The deaths of Philando Castile and Alton Sterling.

“Everything’s been crazy, it’s been getting to me. But the last two was a slap in the face, like damn! Y’all let this shit happen like this, and nothing happens to the police officers. That’s what made me mad, and I knew it was going to start something. It was like a slap back in their face, that’s why I got the tattoo for it, man. We definitely stand for something.”

Peep the interview below:
