El Chapo is on the move again but this time its with an escort. No, El Chapo did not pull off another Houdini escape. He has actually been transferred from one maximum security prison to another. Many may remember that on the day in which El Chapo was captured the United States Government applied for extradition. The transfer cant help but make people wonder if his possible pending extradition has something to do with that. More on the story after the jump.
El Chapo I imagine is now more than a household name. The Mexican drug lord gained massive notoriety with this constant finessing of the feds. He escaped capture time after time again and then when he was captured he made escape look easy. In his last escape, El Chapo built an air conditioned tunnel as his runway to freedom. This increased his fame, becoming idols to many people around the world, most specifically the rap world. French Montana even speaks on his viewing of the man as his role model. His recapture months later would be anything but cool calm and collected as it would end in a blazing gun battle between his own personal body guards and the Mexican Navy. Now the most notorious drug lord has gained the attention of the world once again. This time its due to his transfer to the Mexican prison in Altiplano. One major key to point out is that this prison he is at is very close to the U.S. border. A Mexican official has been quoted as saying the following.
“Due to the proximity (to the U.S.), it makes it easier to extradite him,”
Even if this is the case lets not forget that this prison is very close in proximity to the same prison that he escaped from last July.