
We recently reported about Hillary Clinton’s dismissal of a Black Lives Matter activist as she asked tough questions during a campaign. Since then, rapper Killer Mike has responded to the incident making it very clear to fans and those listening why he is voting for Senator Bernie Sanders, and why it is imperative for the black community to do the same.

See the powerful speech after the jump!

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While at Claflin University in Orangeburg, South Carolina, Killer Mike was very clear on why his decision is solid. He was transparent in comparing the two candidates and their reactions in similar situations, illustrating how Senator Bernie Sanders has always been genuinely interested in see equality for minority groups.

If this video doesn’t help make a decision for this year’s election, then we don’t know what would. It is important to do your own research on the candidates to find out their interest and what they are looking to gain from holding office. It’s important to make sure that the chosen individual is qualified and able to represent you, your peers, and your counterparts. No government should be one-sided, but it should work for the greater good of the entire nation.

So far Senator Bernie Sanders has made it very clear who he is here for and has been very open and honest through his campaign, so we can see why Mike is going so hard in his defense.

Who will you be voting for? Let us know in the comments!

Source: WorldStarHipHop