Jeremy McDole, a 28-year old Delaware resident, was fatally shot by police after suffering a self-inflicted gun shot wound. McDole was sitting in a wheelchair as he was already paralyzed from the waist down, which is what has people in a frenzy.
Following a number of civilian fatalities at the hands of police, is one more story to add to the archives. In the video below, McDole, armed with a .38 caliber, is shown sitting in the wheelchair and moving slowly, but enough to alarm officers. The officers yell, “put the gun down” and “put your hands up” multiple times before finally firing at the victim.
Wilmington Police Chief Bobby Cummings made a statement Wednesday morning saying,
“When Mr. McDole began to remove the weapon from his waist the officers engaged him and as a result of injuries Mr. McDole sustained, he lost his life.”
The video is graphic and making headlines everywhere. People are outraged, and debates about police brutality continue to circulate.
When interviewed, McDole’s mother said,
“This is unjust. He was paralyzed from the waist down. There was video showing he didn’t pull a weapon, he had his hands on his lap.”
The shooting is now under investigation and we will continue to keep you updated with the latest information.