Sheesh! Cassidy Says Meek Mill’s “Wanna Know” Drake Diss Was Trash! Hop into the post for the video and details! #IFWT!
We all know that the social media world Is still buzzing from the release of Meek Mill’s diss track “Wanna Know,” DJ Vlad from Vlad TV got on the phone with Cassidy to get his opinion on the beef between his fellow Philly artist and Drake after Meek Mill called him out on Twitter. “I was happy when I heard them niggas was bout to go through it, just for the strength of the game,” Cassidy says.
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When it comes down to Drake’s two diss songs “Charged Up” and “Back to Back.” Cassidy says “He surprised me. He did more than what I expected, and Meek did wild less than what I expected.” Even Though Cassidy wanted to squash the beef that he had with Meek Mill a while back “for the city” of Philly, he clearly is not siding Weith Meek on this “Wanna Know” diss record towards drake.
Cassidy said : “I’m thinking he got something in the chamber…I don’t know why the dudes around him even gave him the okay, like, ‘yeah that’s it, that’s the one,'”
The former Ruff Ryders artist even went as far to say that Meek would have been in a better position today if he just remained silent and took his time to make a quality record.
Check Out Cassidy’s full opinion on Meek Mills Diss Record towards drake “Wanna Know” Below:
Click Here if you haven’t heard “Wanna Know” Yet. #IFWT!
Cassidy Says Meek Mill’s “Wanna Know” Drake Diss Was Trash.