A couple days late with his response, nonetheless Meek finally gets around to Brandon Jennings’ Instagram post. Jennings was among the people rooting for Drake when Meek accused him of having a ghostwriter and Meek finally responds to his post on Instagram. Check the gallery to see the post!
SHEESH. No holding back for Meek, despite his apology to Drake. LOL! On the day that Meek blasted Drake for having a ghostwriter, Brandon Jennings took to Instagram to post a pic of Drake wearing a Free Meek T-shirt. In his caption, Brandon said, “This aint a diss. You just can’t show love to everybody. #LessonLearn,” and it seemed like a lot of people shared those thoughts as well.
Today though, Meek left a comment underneath that same post–from three days ago–and called Brandon out! In a comment Meek says, “Cuz u wear a meek mill shirt that mean you can do what u want ….. Yall niggas suck dick too much! Clown ass niggas,” and it looks like Meek STILL doesn’t care! LOL! I’m not sure Brandon saw the comment yet, but I’m definitely waiting to see if he will respond! At this point I’m not promoting violence; HOWEVER, Meek came at you crazy and I think it deserves a fair one! [hands] LOL!
I’m not sure what has been going on with Meek these past few days, I guess he is just tired of the industry and the extra *Ish that comes with it? LOL! I think at this point though, he should just stop commenting already; I mean the damage is done and he already issued and apology on stage.