
You big dummy … Because they are so stupid, some things just need to be laughed at … this is one. LOL!

Chicagoan, Fredrick Warren was feeling like a sub-sandwich, but not from the low-calorie subs at Subway, however, their money was just as green as any other sandwich shop’s. Warren robs a Subway only to get caught because he used the money to cross the street and order from the Potbelly Sandwich Shop.

JaaiR (JR)
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Warren apparently had a folding knife to stick-up the Subway cashier. A customer who walked in during the crime taking place said that they saw him reaching into the register, a register where he pull out $186.

ONLY, when he fled; he fled across the street to Potbelly. Too easy. The police used video footage from a local university to spot the idiot, who was wearing a bright gold jacket, walk into the shop. Because he was seen on the footage leaving, they decided to go check out the Potbelly Sandwich Shop. Warren was still there … eating the sandwich he had just paid for with the money that he stole from the Subway. He’s not in jail.

Why Lordt? Someone send that man a prayer.

But check out the gallery for his mugshot.