_Parents File Lawsuit To Allow Daughter To Use Medical Marijuana In School

New Jersey parents file a lawsuit to allow their daughter to use medical marijuana in school. Check out the video and read more on the story after the jump!

The parents from New Jersey have a 16-year-old daughter who was given medical marijuana for her seizures. They have filed a lawsuit to allow the young girl, Genny Barbour, to take her medication in school. Roger and Lora Barbour said that their daughter was finally seizure free after a doctor prescribed her cannibals oil. She had to take it multiple times a day, but the school district of Maple Sade said that she could not take the medication on school grounds because it violates federal laws for drug free school zones.

The state Department of Education rejected the family’s appeal and ruled in the district’s favor. The family is now appealing that decision. Her parents say that Genny has to take the oil on a schedule. The school did offer to allow her mother to take her off of school property to give her the oil, but her parents said it would disrupt her day.

Check out the video of Genny below!

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