Cops arrested Sean, 10, because his mom wanted to teach him a lesson.

Chiquita Hill, 33, from Columbus, Georgia, got her 10-year-old son arrested as she ran out of options when it came to behavior. She learned that her fifth grade son was misbehaving and being disrespectful in class and decided to get help from local police to teach him a lesson in respect.

Cops arrived to the home and pretended to arrest him and placed him in the back of the police car for five minutes.

She said that “she was scared that with her son not obeying his teacher that it could escalate into disrespect for authority as an adult, something she believes could be life-threatening.”I’m glad I did this,’ she said to ABC, ‘He will be 11 this month. He’s hitting that pre-teen age. … I understand that he will be going through changes, but with all the things going on in Missouri and in Baltimore, I want to stop anything from happening while he’s young and impressionable.’
‘I was trying to get a point across to my son, if you want to be disrespectful and you want to be rude, this is what happens when bad people do bad things,’ Hill said, defending her methods of discipline, knowing that there are people who would not agree with her. ‘There are consequences for everything.’

“Ms. Hill says that there has since been a marked change in the behavior of her son. Sean’s teacher called her later in the week with ‘wonderful reports’ saying he was performing much better in class and that he had been very respectful to his classmates and teachers.”

I’m sure Sean won’t be disrespectful for a while; can you imagine your own mother calling the cops on you and as a kid? I’m sure it works but that’s a bit harsh. On the other hand, if there’s no other way, then you do what you have to do to get your kid on the right path.

By- 4SeasonOlie

Video Below.
