A Seattle Journalism student was discovered to be a high ranking ISIS recruiter.The @_UmmWaqqas twitter account was used to contact those interested in joining ISIS.The use of social media for promotion and recruitment has made it easier for ISIS to reach millennials.
The @_UmmWaqqas account shared documents giving people instructions on how to go about emigrating and joining ISIS.The ISIS travel guide even shares @_UmmWaqqas information as a person to contact for help in the process.
The FBI has stated that “the U.S has a terror recruiting problem,with 25 people detained this year,a surge compared to last year.”
British officials say that “at least 600 people have left the UK to join the extremist party in Syria and Iraq.”
According to Channel 4 “Friends all expressed surprise when asked about her, but gave differing accounts of her current location. One says she may have moved to Medina in Saudi Arabia, others to Denver in Colorado. In a brief conversation with Umm Waqqas herself, the internet network address she was using to communicate with Channel 4 News was located in Seattle, indicating that whoever is currently operating the account was there as recently as March.”
It is also unclear if multiple people might have been running the account.The prominent ISIS recruiter was able to rack up 8,000 followers.Twitter has since then taken down the @_UmmWaqqas account.
Written By:Daniela Franco
Source:Channel 4