Three women in Russia were sentence to a short jail term for making a video which featured them twerking next to a World War II memorial. This is not the first time that the Russian government put women in jail for twerking. Check the video after the jump.
The women in the video were charged and found guilty of “hooliganism”. A 19-year-old woman was sentenced to 15 days in jail and the other two women in their 20s were given 10 days each. Three other women appear in the video. Two of them were charged with a fine and able to skip jail because of health issues. The last girl was a minor and her mother was charged with her crime. She was charged with failing to “carry out measures to ensure the proper physical, intellectual, psychological, spiritual and moral development of the child”
The video was made by students studying at Russian dance school, in order to recruit new students. They filmed the video on the land of a WWII memorial. Russia will be celebrating the 70th anniversary of the Allies’ victory in the World War II next month. The spokesperson for the education department said, “We condemn these women. Every inch of this land is covered in blood. It is inappropriate,”
This is the second time this moth Russian officials arrested women for twerking.
Check out the video below.
Source ABC