As the up and coming elections rise, presidential candidates state their opinions about public issues in America. Hillary Clinton is running for president in 2016 and she has been stating a lot of opinions.Recently,Hillary stated that she now supports the idea of same-sex marriage opposing her viewpoints in the past. Hillary says that same-sex marriage is a right by the constitution.
A Clinton Spokeswoman stated:
“Hillary Clinton supports marriage equality and hopes the supreme court will come down on the side of same-sex couples being guaranteed that constitutional right”.
This is a change for Hillary because in the past she always supported civil unions and shyed away from same-sex marriage.In 2014, Clinton met with interviewer Terry Ross and discussed these issues. Ross wanted to specifically see where Hillary stood on the issue on same-sex marriage. Clinton reluctantly held her ground and stated that Ross was trying to accuse her of being wishy washy with viewpoints on the topic.Clinton said that she is being accused of changing her viewpoints for political gain which was completely wrong.
When Clinton was serving as secretary of state she was out of domestic politics and once she left that position she was able to fully support gay marriage and it’s legalization state by state.Clinton supports the LGBT community heavily and is even endorsed by Equality California.Equality California is the largest LGBT support group in America ! What a change.Hillary Clinton promotes same-sex marriage!