Kevin Durant has a message for fans on social media. Stop thinking his MVP speech was the appropriate thing to make a joke out of. KD is dead serious about this by the way and you can tell it really bothered him. I am so glad he is saying this because yes, I understand it’s fine to make light hearted jokes out of things, but making a joke out of an emotional thing just for the sake of being funny is what is wrong with social media., amongst many other things.


In the GQ issue that KD graces the cover of, Durant reinforces his newfound worldview and attitude towards his public persona and abandoning the Mr. Nice Guy image for someone who tells it like it is. That includes all you people who put big white letters over pictures and turned his emotional MVP speech into what the kids call a “meme.”

“I was like, man, that was a real emotional moment for me, and you making a joke about it! Like: Damn. Y’all don’t really believe in shit. You don’t have no morals or nothing. You don’t care about nothing but just making fun.”

How are you supposed to act in the world, when people feel entitled even to a moment like that?

“I was serious as hell saying that, you know what I’m saying?”

That speech was one of the coolest, realest sports moments in recent memory. And if Durant doesn’t want people using it for cheap internet jokes, he’s entitled to that.
