U.S Asks China To Cut Off North Koreas Internet ?
So Yesterday President Obama had said at a press conference that the U.S. would be taking steps to “instigate a proportional response” to North Korea for their confirmed cyber attack on Sony. American proportions are wider than most countries, so they are currently trying to react by putting a block on all the Internet access to North Korea.
U.S Asks China To Cut Off North Koreas Internet ?
But The whole problem with that strategy is that North Korea is so isolated. If you didn’t know…NORTH KOREA IS AN ISLAND,well at least when it comes to Internet access. They have gotten their Internet through telecommunication routers that are actually based in China and not actually within North Korea itself at all what’s so ever. Even if China were to agree to help out North Korea, not many North Koreans actually have any access to the internet. Few have access according to The Daily Beast, when North Korea wants some real down right gritty hacking done they are going to send them to Chinese hotels owned by north Korea to work on their mission for them. According to the New York Times ,Obamas administration really wants to send a message to the world about what exactly is going on with the hacking.
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U.S Asks China To Cut Off North Koreas Internet ?
one official went and said to the NY Times:
“What we are looking for is a blocking action, something that would cripple their efforts to carry out attacks,”
U.S Asks China To Cut Off North Koreas Internet ?
In Earlier years some other countries have flooded the systems of networks until they broke down and crashed from all the over activity (Clever, Clever ,Clever!) , but that only actually worked in areas that are connected to the global Internet (Not as Clever as it originally sounded) . North Korea has a separate network Structure. Most of their cyber attacks already happen outside North Korea and within the borders of China. A man named Oren Falkowitz used to be a analyst for the National Security Agency who now runs Area 1, a security company based in California told the Times that an attack on North Korea would be a minor annoyance that he likens to “ankle biting.”
U.S Asks China To Cut Off North Koreas Internet ?
Well United States has mapped down a very informational route of the attacks on Sony through the route of China, Bolivia, Thailand and Singapore .Other countries have been hit up to assist in the blocking of North Korea’s hacking route Though even if those other counties accept, the key to the Internet blocking to North Korea would be China and the U.S. China have been bickering about establishing a “rules of the road” for acceptable behavior in cyber space for over a year now. on the other hand, those road map attempts have stalled between the countries after the U.S. brought charges against five individuals in the Chinese Liberation Army for hacking into American power and Steele network companies.
Obama still wants to check out if China is going to be open to some proportional ankle biting
U.S Asks China To Cut Off North Koreas Internet !