Draya Michele seems to be dealing with an Iggy Azalea situation right now. A man by the name of David Miranda, who says he dated the reality star/fashion designer from January 2011 to September 2013, has filed a lawsuit in NYC, claiming that a sex tape that he had with her was “stolen” and he wants to get it back. According to the report, the tape is already being shopped around to various porn companies, and he allegedly wants to “stop it” before it gets there. Riiight. He knows he’s the one that leaked said tape – however, according to Draya, there isn’t even a tape to leak.
Responding to the claims on Instagram, Draya wrote the following:
Nowadays anyone can say anything about anyone and people believe it. Trust me, there’s no tape…. Only clever folks figuring out ways to get money out of me.
Her “clever folks figuring out ways to get money out of me” statement has me raising my eyebrows, though. If there were no tape, he’d have no case, thus he would get no money. Hmm! What do you think?
Marisa Mendez
Source: BA
Well the comment that she made might be true considering that miranda stated that the tape was “stolen” so unless there’s a significant amount of footage that can be viewed there is no justification.