
The power of LeBron James.  Geez-us.  We’re you waiting for LeBron to pick a jersey number before you ordered yours?!  Welp, now you might be waiting for a while before you can cop one.  Apparently the NBA store has sold out of LeBron’s home, away & alternate jerseys.
Hit the jump for details…



Via PBT:

From Darren Rovell of ESPN:

The @NBAStore says it has now sold out of LeBron replica Cavs home, away & alternate jerseys.

8 of the top 10 items sold during the last week @NBAStore are LeBron Cavs items.

Guessing Cavaliers blank jerseys are in short supply now though Cavs themselves still have jerseys available.

A quick look through the NBA online store shows a “special event” LeBron jersey for sale, although it’s black with gold lettering and comes with the following disclaimer:

“This is a special event item. Orders containing this item will be shipped separately. This item will ship within 2-4 weeks after the player has officially signed his contract and is assigned a number by the NBA.”