When will these DIY, outside the confines of a hospital, and away from the eyes’ of watchful physicians procedures end? Well, sadly for 39 year old Argentinian born Sonia Perez Lianzon, she lost her life several weeks after her DIY Breast Augmentation.
According to reports, Sonia used vaseline in effort to increase her cup size. As a result, Sonia died several weeks following the procedure due to a blood clot. Folks, let this be a lesson, silicone and petroleum jelly should not be used interchangeably.
“I’ve never seen a case like this. The human body has antibodies to remove bacteria and viruses, but it hasn’t got any mechanisms against this type of product,” Dr. Julio Pia told La Capital newspaper.
What a shame…When will we learn to stop succumbing to the pressures of society? Sonia leaves behind a 20 year old son. *Check out the gallery for pics of Sonia Lianzon.