
…thank you! While many in Future and Ciara’s position find it easier to hire coordinators to handle a majority of the woes, the two have decided that they will handle their own wedding plans.
“Anything that concerns us as far as career, baby showers, pregnancies, wedding, having a baby, everything that’s going on, we’re focusing on it. We’ve gotta to make sure everything is up to our standard,” Future tells Elle Magazine.
Well, they have a handle on things.
Also, during a sit-down with the mag, Future mentions a fashion line on the way. Hit the jump for the deets.

JaaiR (JR)

You’re known for your on-point fashion. Have you always been fashion savvy?
I’ve always been into fashion since I was a kid. I love fashion. I appreciate it. I just enjoy dressing up and getting all the new sneakers and all the hot exclusive clothes— I did even when I was young. It just transitioned over to now.

And you’re working on your own clothing line, right?
Yeah, I’m working on my clothing line right now. I’m just working on finding different designers. But everything’s coming along great.

Can we expect it out anytime soon?
I’m not sure. I’ve got the album coming out now and I’ve got a tour coming up behind the album. My baby’s on the way in a few months. So a lot of things are coming up right away that I have to take care of first and make sure they go well. I’m working a lot and constantly thinking of new ideas. There’s so much on my plate. But nothing I can’t handle.