Sean Kingston seems to be in a whole heap of trouble lately. Hanging around Justin Bieber will do that to a kid…
Serious note, the, “Beautiful Girls” singer is being sued for an alleged gang rape. On the other end of this lawsuit is 22-year-old, Carissa Capeloto. CRAY! Hit the jump for the deets.
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Capeloto is claiming that back in 2010 after a concert with Kingston and Justin Bieber (see), she was invited back to his hotel room for a meet-n-greet. Upon her arrival, Kinsgton was lying on the bed in all of his naked glory. The bodyguard picked up a drunken, Capeloto, and placed her atop the singer. The young girl claims that she had anywhere between 7-10 drinks and was unable to oblige the sex. She was allegedly gang raped by Kingston, his bodyguard and a member of the band.
After all was said and done, a friend came in the room, rescued her, and they went off to the hospital, and treated for injuries consistent with a rape.
Three years later…the accuser says that she can barely sleep, has panic attacks, and a request for a minimum of $5miL is on the table.
Wild accusations true or false will always have your name in the dirt. SAD!