
These restaurant owners have come up with a better punishment for dine and dashers! Rather than the same old Wall of Shame, these restaurant owners put one man on Blast using their Facebook page. Read more after jump

Adriela Batista

The Brewer’s cabinet decided that they’d had enough with one dine and dasher. They took it upon themselves to write this message for the thief who has been known to run up tabs at pricey restaurants throughout the Reno, Nevada region. Their Facebook status read:

“ATTN RENO: If you know, or see, this dude, please call RENO POLICE DEPT at 334-2121 immediately, and then remind him that his tab at The Brewer’s Cabinet is still waiting to be paid…. and his tab at Campo…. and his tab at Imperial…. and his tab at Chapel… and his tab at many other fine establishments. And, while you’re at it, you could tell him that visiting restaurants/bars with your friends, running up a huge bill, roughing up servers and then bailing is pretty uncool… pathetic, really. Get a life, man.

The message followed a picture of the culprit and soon after users shared the post with others they were able to find out the culprits information. Saul Zelaznog denied any of the accusations brought against him saying that these instances were all “a series of misunderstandings”. He stated:

“They’re acting like I ran out of there; I was going to be back to take care of my tab,” he said, adding that he is asking his family to wire him money to pay his Brewer’s Cabinet bill. Zelaznog admitted that he’d been unable to pay his tab at another bar, but left a “nice watch” as collateral”.

Sheesh Zelaznog, don’t you know that if this were okay I’d be paying my tabs in tubes of lipstick and burned C.D’s. This form of collateral for debt is not apart of the new rules, get it together sir!

**Check out pic of the dasher and the actual FB status in above gallery**

Via HuffPost