You ever wonder why you can’t seem to fall asleep some nights? Looking outside of your window may just give you your answer! Read more after jump
Have you ever heard of the myth that it is actually tougher to fall asleep when a full moon is in full effect? No? Well Im here to let you know that the myth, isn’t a myth. Scientists have proven that the lunar cycles can affect one’s sleeping cycle! During the study of 30 volunteers in different age groups, Professor Christian Cajochen found that in fact despite modernity, and the different aids that can assist sleeping, one can not shake the “geophysical rhythms of the moon”. The study showed that ” subjectively and objectively” the quality of sleep had been parallel to the lunar cycles. It took many longer to fall asleep during a fool moon as well as longer to stay asleep and get a quality sleep.
“The volunteers said they felt as though their sleep had been poorer during full moon and they showed lower levels of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep and wake cycles.”
Finally an answer (or excuse) for those bags under your eyes. So the next time you’re restless, take a look outside and blame the moon!