Often times, a text message conversation could expose information that could be used against someone in court. Only problem is carrier networks [AT&T, Sprint, Verizon..etc] do not retain the detailed information in the conversation. This could all change very soon if local law enforcement has their way! Hit the jump for the story…
CNET has reported that a constellation of law enforcement groups have asked the U.S. senate to require the retainment of text conversations for 2 years time. This would help them in the prosecution of criminals, further details of a case, etc. Conversations between persons wether it be text or email, could help law enforcement make a decision as to who is truly guilty/involved and who is innocent.
This topic is to be considered during a congressional discussion over updating a 1986 privacy law for the cloud computing era. I’m all for government updating as technology does, BUT this ain’t cool! Over stepping their boundaries, as usual, into our private lives. You want cops having access to your personal convos? personal Nudey pics? What you think? Let us know in the comments…