The Los Angeles City Council adopted an initiative to encourage their residents to abstain from eating meat, at least on the first day of the week, citing that eating less meat can prevent or reverse some of americans most common illnesses. Hit the jump for more.
The drive-thru capital of the world has declared Mondays meatless.
In a unanimous vote, the Los Angeles City Council adopted a resolution encouraging residents to go vegetarian on the first day of the work week as part of an international movement aimed at reducing the planet’s meat consumption.
“Eating less meat can prevent and even reverse some of our nation’s most common illnesses,” Councilwoman Jan Perry said. “We’ve become disconnected in some ways from the simple truth that our health is directly affected by the foods we eat.”The councilwoman noted that meat-rich diets can play a part in the development of heart disease and cancers of the kidney, prostate, breast and colon.